TeamGB speakers booked for latest Esher & Walton Conservative Women lunch 6th September 2012 The Esher & Walton Conservative Women’s Organisation is holding a Post-Olympic Lunch on Friday 28th September, with a international buffet and two inspiring... Local News
Conservatives choose Julie Iles as Police Commisioner candidate 7th August 2012 Conservatives have chosen magistrate Julie Iles as their candidate to be Surrey's first Police and Crime Commissioner. Local NewsArticles
Conservatives win Esher by-election 23rd June 2012 Local Conservative Tim Oliver was re-elected at the Esher by-election on Thursday 21st June. Thank you to all those who supported him. Local News
A Message from Conservative Tim Oliver ahead of Thursday's by-election in Esher 20th June 2012 Local Conservative Tim Oliver is standing for re-election in the Esher by-election on Thursday. He has written the below message to all Esher residents. Local News
Tim Oliver takes lead in protecting Esher's Olympic legacy 28th May 2012 Tim Oliver has launched his bid for re-election to Elmbridge Council at the upcoming Esher election on June 21st, with the Olympics legacy, careful controls... Local News
Conservatives keep control of Elmbridge Council 13th May 2012 The Conservatives have retained control of Elmbridge Council albeit with a reduced majority following the borough elections on May 3rd. Local News
Elmbridge Council in safe hands with the Conservatives 8th March 2012 Your Conservative adminstration has frozen the council tax for another year - for the fifth time in six years! This is despite 4% inflation and having to find... Local NewsArticles
Police Commissioner elections 8th March 2012 The first ever elections for Police and Crime Commissioners will be taking place on 15 November. The Conservatives are looking for very high calibre candidates... Local News
Farewell Derek Denyer, and thank you 27th February 2012 On February 27 a packed St Peter’s Church bade farewell to Derek Denyer, a Hersham South councillor for 20 years and a most distinguished Mayor of our Borough... Local News