More police on Surrey's streets Charlie Chirico is your Conservative candidate to be Surrey’s next Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). The role is similar to a local Home Secretary. They set...
Elmbridge finances in perilous state Elmbridge Council's budget for this year shows spending is substantially exceeding income, under this coalition of seven Resident Association parties and the...
Our commitment to the Green Belt Elmbridge is estimated to need up to 9,000 new homes by 2035. Conservatives believe future housing demand can be met without bulldozing our precious Green Belt...
Coronavirus - stay alert, stay safe Covid-19 is a new disease which attacks the lungs and airways. It is spread through coronavirus which is highly contagious and passes from person to person or...
Dominic Raab: Taking Britain Forward Dominic Raab is proud to be part of a Conservative government which has its eye firmly on the future with ambitious plans to invest in our communities. This...
Conservatives Can Get Brexit Done The Liberal Democrats were the first main party to call for a referendum. Now their policy is to cancel the 2016 EU referendum – a breach of trust which...
Protecting our Elmbridge Greenbelt As Housing Minister in 2018, Dominic Raab strengthened Greenbelt protections in the National Planning Policy Framework. In Elmbridge, he worked with local...
NHS Cash Boost & More Police On Streets The strength of the economy is enabling the government to increase NHS funding by £33.9 billion by 2023. Dominic Raab is working with local doctors and...
2 New Schools, Rising Funding and Standards Conservative parliamentary candidate for Esher & Walton, Dominic Raab, is working with the government, local teachers and sponsors to secure the permanent site...
Vote Conservative to protect Elmbridge Green Belt Residents who care about protecting the Elmbridge Green Belt are encouraged to vote for their Conservative candidate on Thursday 2 May. Our leader Councillor...
Could you be a local council candidate? We are in the process of selecting candidates for next year's Elmbridge Borough Council elections and the 2021 Surrey County Council elections. If you enjoy...