John O'Reilly has unveiled his six point plan to improve Hersham if he is elected the area's next Surrey County Councillor.
A former Leader of Elmbridge Council, he has lived in Hersham for over 25 years and has the experience and influence to secure local investment from the Conservative-run County Council in times where money is tight.
John's wants to see Hersham get its "fair share" of money for road resurfacing, with Queens Road among his priorities. He will also make sure that residents' voice is heard as a review of parking in Hersham gets under way this year. With a review of bus services coming in the summer, John will campaign for enhanced services of the 564 and 555. As a County Councillor he will support Hersham's schools and do everything in his power to ensure sufficient places so that parents have choice.
John will work to encourage more shops and businesses to open in Hersham, and has promised he will not vote for any increase in councillor allowances - in fact he wants them reduced!
He says: “I will not over-promise and under-deliver but will fight for Hersham to receive a fair share of limited resources. I will work tirelessly in the interests of every part of our flourishing community, Hersham Village itself, Burwood Park, Longmore and Whiteley Village. Surrey is facing tremendous financial challenges. The decision not to proceed with the 15% council tax increase was correct, but I feel strongly that Councillors must take a lead and reduce their allowances, as a contribution to protecting vital services."