The application for a new industrial estate on Green Belt land near Hersham Station was today refused by Surrey County Council's Planning Committee. This followed a year-long campaign with residents and local councillors particuarly concerned about additional HGVs on our local roads.
The campaign against the application started in early April 2013, when local councillors met with Rydens Road residents concerned about even more HGVs going past their homes. The petition was started at this meeting, and finished last month at over 2,500 signatures. The WeylandsNoWay campaign group has done sterling work and must be thanked for all they did.
At the meeting today, Walton County Councillor Rachael Lake spoke strongly against the application. Three local residents, and a representative of the businesses on Lyon Road estate, spoke as official objectors. The Committee refused the proposal for numerous reasons, including highways concerns and harm to the Green Belt. Twelve Councillors sit on the Planning Committee, ten voted to refuse and two abstained. Hersham's County Councillor Margaret Hicks was amongest those who voted to refuse.
From the start, the Weylands campaign has been about team work and all the Walton Conservative Councillors would like to thank everyone who played a part in getting today's result.
The applicants do have a legal right to appeal - and the campaign will start again if they do so. But for today, let's celebrate this victory!