Councillors Ruth Mitchell, Mary Sheldon and John O'Reilly are unashamed optimists about Hersham Village ward.
Speaking ahead of the Elmbridge Borough Council elections in Hersham on Thursday May 5th, they said: "We are positive about our vibrant, welcoming community, our green spaces, new families moving in, and the potential for the future. We welcome the RES school expansion and the new Lidl store.
"Unlike some in this election, we see the Hersham glass as 80% full and we will work tirelessly for the remaining 20%. There is more to do and as your active, responsive and accessible Hersham Conservative councillors we will strive to make things even better. For example, we do need more housing and particularly that which is more affordable for young families, but of course developments must be sensitive to our high standards of design, scale and impact.
"We are positive too about promoting Hersham’s many local businesses and encouraging more of them to apply for grants under the Elmbridge Civic Improvement Fund."
Ruth, Mary and John will also be unrelenting in pressing for a much needed free cash dispensing machine in Hersham. And they will always be accountable to residents, adding that "their priorities are our priorities".
They continued: "We also believe that our opponents also seek Hersham’s best interests. So it is really disappointing that the Independent candidates in particular have campaigned so negatively with their talk of betrayals, that someone 'is not a true Hersham person' and unwarranted attacks and allegations. That Hersham is somehow a victim. Is it any surprise that so many are disillusioned with politics?"